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The Nameless Accounts: Kin (2)

There were eight of us living in my home: myself, my five brothers, and my parents. Yes, seven family members, an unusual number for an akor’mar: so plenty of people have informed me, as if I didn’t know it already. Most akor’mar couples are lucky, after all, if one of the spouses doesn’t “disappear” before their first decade is out. It is also the norm for akor’mar children to slay each other during the constant rivalries and plays for power between siblings of like ages. We have never been the most loving of sorts, and the higher ranks can get away with multiple divorces and unions, replacing old heirs with new as the whim takes them or a favored offspring gets themselves offed.

As rats among the beggars, my family was different. Our strength was not in our bloodlines, but in our numbers. If it was sheer practicality or something deeper that kept my parents together, I couldn’t say. My memories of them are faint, as they were often out on business of their own, sometimes leagues away from the city. In many ways, my brothers were more parents to me than my real parents were.

There was Drenix the disciplinarian, the strongest and most dominant of us all, though he was only second-born. Solae the worry-wart, Drenix’s eternal side-kick and his twin, though the name does not mean the same thing to akor’mari as it does to humans; multiple children per conception is our way, though they do not come out as identical. Then there was Vornyrr, who was fully grown before I ever drew breath, and often away with Father, as was his right as the eldest, sole survivor of his first crop. If he had a twin or triplet siblings, he never said. And finally there was Neddryn, the last, the runt, but the most filled with spirit and cunning. My twin. You may have heard his name before, though he does not come into this story. I long ago bid him our last farewell.

Those were the four brothers I knew the best. There was also a fifth, born four out of six. We don’t speak his name…

If we survived our siblings, it wasn't the last danger a young akor’mar ever faced. Like cities anywhere in Talmenor, the main danger in Vuzsdin came from other citizens rather than wild beasts. Many of the upper classes considered us low-born a blight and wanted us eradicated. It was never widely known to anyone outside the Den I think, but they would hunt us, round us up like Little Folk cattle and drive us into another part of the city. No one knew what happened there; those that were taken never came back.
Rumors abounded, of course. Some spoke of torture, others of a quick, clean culling. The more cynical talked about slavery to the twisted desires of the high priests, of magical experiments created for the pleasures of their demonic minions.

For my family's part, we never forgot those we lost. After the fourth-born was taken, we still celebrated his birth, set his place at the table, kept his bed aired out and clean. We acted as if he were only out on a very long trip, and someday would come home to see us, with a bow for Father and a kiss for Mother, and food for the rest of us.

We knew he was dead. We were not delusional. But we couldn’t think of it in that way through the high parts of the cycles, with the press of danger surrounding us already. The number of people you could trust was small enough without dwelling on those lost.

The Nameless Accounts: Kin (2)
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Axes and Lightning: FULL

A full text transcript can be found on the FoxFireFiction blog (on accounts it won't fit into a post), here:

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Concept Sketching: Three Comics

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The Nameless Accounts: The Prison Camps (16)

The akor’mar occupation of Sun-On-The-Lake was not a certain thing by any means. On the outside, it appeared as if Sun-On-The-Lake had always been an akor’mar city, for all the wuyon’mari you saw out in the open. The akor’mari sung and celebrated and began to build up rudimentary dwellings for themselves -- and for their prisoners – as if it was nothing more exciting than carving out a new market cavern back in Vuzsdin.

Yet in the alleyways and abandoned corners of the city, there was still danger. We may have occupied the main roads and the Palace, but the rest was free-for-all. At night we were safe enough; we could see in the dark better than the wuyon’mari, and they knew it. During the day, though, where the sun stung our eyes, they came out to harass us. There were ambushes and raids and assassinations. Daily we were warned by our officers about places still held by the wuyon’mari, where they had taken pains to dig out the cobblestones and plant pitfalls or other kinds of traps. The ...

The Nameless Accounts: The Prison Camps (16)
The Nameless Accounts: The Love of an Akor'mar (15)

The next few weeks — or was it months? — after the fall of Sun-On-The-Lake was a blur to me. The akor’mari set up shop within the city itself, repairing some of the buildings and walls, making them battle-ready. I don't know if they planned on living in the city once it was cleaned out, or if it was simply to be a temporary headquarters for the rest of our operations in Nah’Ke’tzin. They acted as if they expected retaliation.

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For as long as I can remember, I’ve been the sort to be in the middle of attention. I talked lots, laughed lots, told stories. I had many friends -- or at least people I would speak with regularly; I know the word does not mean the same thing in your language. Still, I enjoyed their presence and would...

The Nameless Accounts: The Love of an Akor'mar (15)
The Nameless Accounts: The Fall of Sun-On-The-Lake (14)

Some of the army's excitement waned as we stumbled our way through the twisting forest paths of Lesser Nah’Ke’tzin: now tame Surfacer forests of beech and oak. Scouts like myself had chosen a path that took us in a circuitous route around Rising Heath, and we could let our guard down for the first time since we had come in from the ships. We marched in single file along deer trails, stepping in each others’ footsteps, moving only like the akor’mari can with complete silence, as if we were all playing Stalk-the-Nekru in the close tunnels of our homeland. I wondered then if we had only been taught those games to prepare us for something like this, not just our own childish amusement.

Our nerves and the excitement came back all at once when we finally found ourselves up on the gray cliffs overlooking Sun-On-The-Lake. It was just past dawn, and we could see the waters of the city’s namesake, Lake Ta’hiki, through the mist.

I have been to that city in the years since the war, and it is now not ...

The Nameless Accounts: The Fall of Sun-On-The-Lake (14)
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Text Adventure: Carpe Diem

Here at FoxFireFiction, we are proud to unveil our latest product: Text Adventures! Choose your way and become a Talmenor hero... or villain! The choice is yours, starting with the TA "Carpe Diem", a tale spun by Hristjian Pavlovski.

"Hottest Day" now available on our website!

It has been a busy couple months! In response to unexpected delays on the print publishing side, our first FoxFireFiction novel is now available through our website! Read the Prologue now for FREE, with the rest available through FFF's subscription service!

(For our Locals folks! With the release of Articles functionality we are also looking into releasing the full novel here, hopefully within the next couple weeks.)

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The Hottest Day of the Year

“You’d better be right about this,” the Commander growled as she looked down at the pair of shrouded bodies resting in a place of honor in the middle of the great hall. So far, no one else had been allowed in to see them, not even family: she could faintly hear the bawling of one or another of Neddryn’s relatives down the hall, and it irritated her. “For your plan, I may have lost two good soldiers today. ”

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The Hottest Day of the Year
Chapter 41

“You said you had orders for me, sir.”

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The Hottest Day of the Year
Chapter 40
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